
BLSP (Bayesian Learning for Signal Processing) Group is a research group led by Prof. Feng Yin of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. The main research interests include Bayesian learning theory, probabilistic models and methods, causal inference, statistical estimation theory as well as their applications to signal processing and wireless communications applications.

Recent News

2024.05: Our paper Preventing Model Collapse in Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models has been accepted by ICML-2024. This is a joint work with Ying Li and Prof. Michael Minyi Zhang at The University of Hong Kong (HKU).

2024.05: Our paper Regularization-Based Efficient Continual Learning in Deep State-Space Models has been accepted by FUSION-2024.

2024.01: Our paper Graphical Multioutput Gaussian Process with Attention has been accepted by ICLR-2024.

2023.12: Our paper ProAgent: Building Proactive Cooperative Agents with Large Language Models has been accepted by AAAI-2024. This is a joint work with Prof. Yaodong Yang at Peking University (PKU).

2023.12: Our paper Towards Efficient Modeling and Inference in Multi-Dimensional Gaussian Process State-Space Models has been accepted by ICASSP-2024.

2023.12: Our paper Bayesian-Boosted MetaLoc: Efficient Training and Guaranteed Generalization for Indoor Localization has been accepted by ICASSP-2024.

2023.12: Our paper Joint DOA Estimation and Distorted Sensor Detection Under Entangled Low-Rank and Row-Sparse Constraints has been accepted by ICASSP-2024.

2023.08: Our paper MetaLoc: Learning to Learn Wireless Localization has been accepted by IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC).

2023.08: Richard, Ao and Yanbo joined BLSP Group as fresh Ph.D. students.

2023.06: Feng YIN held a half-day Tutorial on "Sparsity-Aware Bayesian Learning" at ICASSP-2023, Rhodes Island, Greece. Click here to download the tutorial slides.

2023.05: Two papers authored by BLSP members have been accepted by ICASSP-2023.

2023.05: Feng YIN served as the leading GE for the special issue: Data-Driven Wireless Positioning towards High-Precision, Robustness, and Intelligence of Elsevier Signal Processing Journal.

2023.04: Our paper "Data-Adaptive M-Estimators for Robust Regression via Bi-Level Optimization" has been accepted by Elsevier Signal Processing Journal.

2023.03: Feng YIN received the Spark Award from Huawei Technology Co.Ltd.

2023.03: Our paper "A Framework for Millimeter-Wave Multi-User SLAM and Its Low-Cost Realization" has been accepted by Elsevier Signal Processing Journal. This is a joint work of Feng YIN with Jiajun HE and Prof. Hing-Cheung SO at City University of Hong Kong.

2023.02: Our paper "Deep Reinforcement Learning Empowers Automated Inverse Design and Optimization of Photonic Crystals for Nanoscale Laser Cavities" has been accepted by Nanophotonics. This is a joint work with Ceyao Zhang, Renjie Li and Prof. Zhaoyu Zhang at CUHK, Shenzhen.